Web Rupee | Rupee Symbol & Rupee Font

Web Rupee | Rupee Symbol & Rupee Font

WebRupee is an API build to provide access of Indian rupee sign over the web.


WebRupee is developed to convert the Rs / Rs. in a website to the Rupee Symbol, which was approved by Indian Government on 15 July 2010. WebRupee does not use image for the “Rs” replacement. WebRupee provides 2 methods to perform the action. One method converts specific instances of the “Rs” occurrences. Other one converts all the “Rs” occurrences to the symbol.

A visitor would see “Rs / Rs.”. WebRupee looks for “Rs / Rs.” and converts it to the Rupee Symbol. So if for some reason WebRupee fails, it will not be able to turn “Rs / Rs.” to Rupee Symbol. So the visitors would see “Rs / Rs.”

WebRupee has two usage styles:

  • via JavaScript. This converts all the occurrences of Rs
  • via CSS. This converts user defined occurrences of Rs

Following is the markup for the JavaScript Method

Following is the markup for the CSS Method

Using this the following markup Rs can be converted to rupee sign:


The emergence of CSS @font-face directive in all major browsers provides a standards-based way to display content including the rupee symbol in a user’s browser using fonts installed on the server, even if the user’s computer does not have up-to-date font software.

To use web safe font for Rupee on HTML, here is the example.

MrHitech Author

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