XDA was rummaging through the latest Android Q beta for the OnePlus 7 Pro when it discovered that an update had been sent to the OnePlus Camera app. The latest version of the app is 3.8.13 and comes with a hidden Focus Tracking option in the app’s settings menu. According to the description of the feature, Focus Tracking “keeps moving people, cats, and dogs always in focus.” Once launched, this will be available in both Photo and Video modes.
Focus Tracking sure sounds like a useful feature to have if you like to snap pictures or take a video of people playing sports or of animals in action. The feature can be toggled on or off from the app’s settings menu once it is launched.
While going through the app, XDA also discovered some interesting strings of code that have been added. One is a hint for a yet to be added new setting called “macro mode.” The hint, when it appears on the screen, will read, “Place the subject 2.5cm-8cm away in macro mode.” The second string of code includes a reminder that the flash is disabled in macro mode. Without a dedicated macro lens on the OnePlus 7 Pro, it would appear that the manufacturer is turning to the software so that users can take pictures of small objects at very close range. Huawei offers something similar by using autofocus on its wide-angle lens for macro shots.
The cameras on the back of the OnePlus 7 Pro include a 48MP primary with an aperture of f/1.6, an 8MP telephoto with 3x optical zoom and a 16MP Ultra-wide camera. There is a pop-up 16MP selfie snapper on board as well.
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