Seven Apps That Will Help You Build and Manage Your Home Office

More and more people are working remotely and having a home office is increasingly common. Whether you’re running your own business, freelancing or working for another company, when you work from home, you know how important it is to have a designated workspace or home office for all of your work projects and tasks. The […]

keep child safe on internet

4 Tips to Keep Your Child Safe on the Internet

Today’s children are increasingly tech savvy and experienced with the internet. More than 57 percent of children aged 3 to 17 used the Internet every day from their homes. While the internet can be a great tool for doing school research, keeping up with the current events and staying in touch with out-of-state family, it […]

Are Apple Macs a Forbidden Territory for Viruses?

Are Apple Macs a Forbidden Territory for Viruses? There is a running joke among the IT circle that asks what’s the difference between a Mac and a PC? The witty (and close to reality) answer to that is – about a thousand dollars! Mac devotees might find the joke unfunny, because they believe that there […]

android on windws pc

How to Run Android on Computer – YouWave, Android on Windows PC

How to Run Android on Computer YouWave, Android on Windows PC YouWave is a program that emulates the Android operating system on your mobile phone. A great Android emulator for your PC Much like BlueStacks App Player, YouWave lets you try out Android applications and games on your PC in a way that lets you […]

Prey Anti Theft Software to Track & Find Stolen Phone, Tablets & Laptops

Prey Anti Theft: Track & find stolen Phones, Tablets and Laptops Prey is a freemium Web service for tracking and monitoring laptops, smartphones and other electronic devices. A software agent is installed on the device to be tracked. It connects a host computer. The host can signal the agent, prompting it to reply with information […]