Today’s new Fortbyte is Fortbyte 27 Found somewhere within map location A4. Here’s the exact location where you can find and collect it.
There’s just over two weeks left of Fortnite Season 9 and a countdown timer appeared on the map yesterday for the season 9 live event, which will feature the robot that’s currently being built at Pressure Plant along with the monster that was first seen in the Polar Peak iceberg at the beginning of the season.
There’s not many Fortbyte challenges remaining for the season and the Season 9 mystery skin, Singularity, has been available to unlock for a couple of days. In order to unlock the skin, players need to collect 90 Fortbytes. The skin has two additional stages, which can be unlocked after collecting 95 Fortbytes for stage 2 and 100 for stage 3. There are also 5 additional styles you can unlock by finding helmets placed around different parts of the map.
Fortnite Leaked v9.30 Skin – SingularityYesterday’s Fortbyte challenge was Fortbyte 94 accessible by using the Scarlet Scythe Pickaxe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake. There are two Fortbytes that are unlocked today, 14th July. Below you’ll find one of the Fortbytes available today along with a location guide to help you collect it as fast as possible.
Fortbyte 27 Found somewhere within map location A4Fortbyte 27 Found somewhere within map location A4 LocationWe’ve had different types of Fortbytes challenges with some requiring players to use a specific cosmetic or fly through rings above a named location. Today’s Fortbyte, Fortbyte 27 is similar to a Fortbyte we’ve seen earlier in the season whereby Epic only provides the map coordinate of where the Fortbyte can be found.
Content continues below adHowever, as always, we’ve got the location of the Fortbyte ahead of time. You’ll be able to find Fortbyte 27 located just north of Snobby Shores, south of the small hill.