Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fourth DLC Character Reportedly Leaked

A well-known Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Nintendo Switch leaker has made a new video revealing the game’s fourth DLC character, or at least who they claim will be the game’s fourth DLC character. More specifically, according to IAmShify, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s fourth DLC character will be Ryu Hayabusa, the protagonist of Ninja Gaiden. Unfortunately, there’s no word when we will hear about the character or when the character will release, but IAmShifty seems to suggest it could happen at the next Nintendo Direct that has Super Smash Bros. Ultimate news. And that should be soon considering Banjo-Kazooie still doesn’t have a release date or gameplay footage.

Of course, like any report, this should be taken with a grain of salt. Even the most reliable leakers sometimes get things wrong. That said, IAmShifty does have a pretty great track record, which includes revealing Petey Piranha’s inclusion ahead of the official reveal. In other words, unlike many of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate “leaks” that surface on the Internet, there’s a bit more behind this one.

For those that don’t know: Ryu Hayabusa is the main protagonist of Tecmo’s Ninja Gaiden series, who has also popped up in Dead or Alive as a playable character as well. The character is a dragon-human hybrid who wields a powerful ancestral weapon called the Dragon Sword and who leads a ninja clan called the Hayabusa. The character is pretty iconic in the gaming space, though is far from a household name or face. That said, there’s been rumors of Hayabusa being in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for a while, so it’s not very surprising to hear that he’s likely the game’s next DLC character.
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